There are several global databases on indicators related to acute malnutrition. Click on the links below to find out more.
If you have data relating to acute malnutrition that you would like to share with others, email us the details.
UNICEF global database on the situation of women and children
Stores data on the following:
- Underweight: % of children under 5 moderately underweight (<-2SD below median weight-for-age) and severely underweight (<-3SD below median weight-for-age)
- Stunting: % of children under 5 moderately stunted (<-2SD below median height-for-age) and severely stunted (<-3SD below median height-for-age)
- Wasting: % of children under 5 moderately wasted (<-2SD below median weight-for-height) and severely wasted (<-3SD below median weight-for-height)
WHO global database on child growth and malnutrition
Child growth estimates by WHO child growth reference standards and NCHS reference standards, by country. Indicators are % under 5 below and above the median:
- Weight-for-age
- Height-for-age
- Weight-for-height
- BMI/age
WHO global data bank on breastfeeding and complementary feeding
Stores data by country on the following:
- Exclusive breastfeeding rate (by month up to 6 months and at <6 months)
- Duration of breastfeeding (mean/median)
- Predominant breastfeeding rate
- Timely complementary feeding rate
- Continued breastfeeding rate (1 year/ 2 years)
- Bottle-feeding rate
World Bank Health, Nutrition and Population Statistics Page
Stores data by country on the following:
- Malnutrition prevalence, weight-for-age (% children under 5)
- Malnutrition prevalence, height-for-age (% children under 5)
- Prevalence of wasting (% children under 5)
- Low-birth-weight babies (% of births)
- Exclusive breastfeeding (% of children under 6 months)
- Prevalence undernourishment (% of population)