Author Archives: admin

Invitation to IMTF’s Pre-Congress Workshop at the IPA 2010 Congress in Johannesburg

The International Malnutrition Task Force invites participants attending the International Paediatric Congress 2010 in Johannesburg to a Pre-Congress Workshop titled “Caring for Severely Malnourished Children as a Core Competency” Date: August 4th 2010 Time: 8:30-16:30 Venue: Hall G/Committee Room 5 Sandton Convention Centre The Pre-Congress workshop is organised by the IMTF in collaboration with WHO, […]

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Field Exchange April 2010, Issue 38

The 38 issue of Field Exchange by the Emergency Nutrition Network has been released. Among the topics discussed in this issue included: Therapeutic challenges and treatment of hypovolaemic shock in severe malnutrition A field article describing the experience of local production of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) in Malawi by Valid Nutrition with regard […]

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Effectiveness of RUTF compared to a corn/soy-blend-based pre-mix for treating moderate malnutrition in Niger children

Nackers F, Broillet F, Oumarou D, Djibo A, Gaboulaud V, Guerin PJ, Rusch B, Grais RF, Captier V. A study has found that RUTF resulted in a higher weight gain, a higher recovery rate, a shorter length of stay and a lower transfer rate to the Inpatient-Therapeutic Feeding Centres (I-TFC) compared to a Corn/Soy Blend […]

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Legal fight over Plumpy’nut, the hunger wonder-product

By Hugh Schofield BBC News, Paris Posted on Thursday, 8 April 2010 20:03 Should a revolutionary humanitarian food product be protected by commercial patent, when lifting restrictions might save millions of starving children? That is the moral conundrum at the heart of a bitter transatlantic legal dispute. On one side are the French inventors of […]

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The impact of a short-term intervention using the WHO guidelines for the management of severe malnutrition at a rural facility in Angola.

Giugliani C, Duncan BB, Harzheim E, Breysse S, Jarrige L. A study has shown that short-term intervention with in-service supervision based on the WHO guidelines in a setting of limited resources contributed to a reduction in fatality rates from severe malnutrition The study measured the impact of practice review and in-service supervision based on WHO […]

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Assessing breastmilk intake in infants using stable isotope techniques: IAEA support for AFRA Member States

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is mandated within the human health programme to seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to preace, health and prosperity throughout the world. The objective is to enhance the capabilities of IAEA Member States in addressing issues related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of health […]

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Edesia Wins $2 Million USAID Grant to Prevent Malnutrition

Edesia LLC, a non-profit producer of life-saving Ready-to-Use Foods (RUFs), is the recipient of a $2 million multi-year grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Under the grant, Edesia will produce more than 300 metric tons of Nutributter® in 2010, which translates to more than 15 million daily doses. The packets will ensure […]

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The social context of childcare practices and child malnutrition in Niger’s recent food crisis

Katherine Hampshire, Rachel Casiday, Kate Kilpatrick and Catherine Panter-Brick ABSTRACT In 2004–05, Niger suffered a food crisis during which global attention focused on high levels of acute malnutrition among children. In response, decentralised emergency nutrition programmes were introduced into much of southern Niger. Child malnutrition, however, is a chronic problem and its links with food […]

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Randomized, Controlled Trial Comparing a Novel 10% Milk RUTF with the Standard 25% Milk RUTF in the Treatment of SAM in Rural Malawian children

Mark J. Manary, Heidi L. Sandige and Kenneth Maleta Treating severely malnourished children with a 10 percent milk RUTF results in a lower rate of recovery and slower growth rates when compared to the standard 25 percent milk RUTF In this trial, severely malnourished children were given either a reduced milk formulation of RUTF (10 […]

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Integration of Infant and Young Child Feeding into CMAM

A training manual on Integration of Infant and Young Child Feeding into Community Based Managment of Acute Malnutrition has been produced by ENN, IFE Core Group & collaborators. It includes Facilitators guide and handouts. Click on the resources menu and training for link to these manuals.

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