Author Archives: admin

Commentary. Ready-to-use therapeutic food. Can the children be saved with fortified peanut paste?

In the February 2011 issue of the Journal of World Public Health Nutrition Association, Michael Latham (of blessed memory), Urban Jonsson, Elizabeth Sterken and George Kent discussed issues related to Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food for the management of Severe Malnutrition. Specific headings discussed included What is RUTF, The issue, Use for Severe Acute Malnutrition, RUTF used […]

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WPHNA Correspondence: RUTF stuff. Can the children be saved with fortified peanut paste?

This correspondence is available in the March issue of the Journal of the World Public Health Nutrition Association. Focussing on RUTF, the authors specifically asked the question “Is RUTF ever the right approach?” The authors argued: “We are not convinced that RUTF is ever a successful approach. The research studies on which this conclusion has […]

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Dosing regimens of oral ciprofloxacin for children with severe malnutrition: a population pharmacokinetic study

A paper has demonstrated that an oral ciprofloxacin dose of 10 mg/kg three times daily (30 mg/kg/day) may be a suitable alternative antibiotic for the management of sepsis in severely malnourished children. Ciprofloxacin (10 mg/kg, 12 hourly) was administered either 2 h before or up to 2 h after feeds to Kenyan children hospitalized with […]

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Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN): The UK’s position paper on undernutrition

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) has released UK’s position paper on Scaling Up Nutrition. The document explains why the UK is scaling up to reduce global undernutrition and what this means. It states that the UK’s aid programme will reach 20 million children under five years of age during the period 2011–2015. This […]

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IMTF Sessions at FANUS 2011, Abuja, Nigeria

Attending FANUS 2011? The Federation of African Nutrition Societies 2011 meeting will be held at the International Conference Centre, Abuja, Nigeria from the 11th to 14th September 2011 on the theme “Accelerating Nutrition Action for Africa’s development”. The International Malnutrition Task Force has organised the following sessions: 1. Workshop to discuss development of competency based […]

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FANUS 2011

The Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) in collaboration with Nutrition Society, Nigeria presents the 2nd FANUS meeting to be held in Abuja, Nigeria. The congress, themed Accelerating Nutrition Action for Africa’s development promises to present essential scientific evidence and specific pragmatic approaches and actions needed to accelerate good nutrition and health in Africa. Date: […]

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Global food crisis takes heavy toll on east Africa

In this recent world report published in the Lancet, an estimated 8·8 million people in east Africa are going hungry, and a sluggish international response is failing to address the growing crisis, which is approaching famine conditions in some areas. The report says US Government’s Famine Early Warning Network issued a series of special alerts […]

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Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) Scale up Meeting

A meeting will be held in November 2011 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia to facilitate the sharing of lessons learned and build consensus on a range of issues relating to national scale-up of CMAM. The meeting aims at identifying and documenting the policy environment, coordination, funding mechanisms, technical and operational considerations which are needed in order […]

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Estimates of the duration of untreated acute malnutrition in children from Niger

Isanaka S, Grais RF, Briend A, Checchi Abstract Expected incidence of acute malnutrition is the most appropriate measure for projecting the needs of a nutritional treatment program over time in terms of staffing, food, and other treatments, but direct estimation of incidence is rarely feasible at the onset of an intervention. The authors used a […]

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Trends in malnutrition and mortality in Darfur, Sudan, between 2004 and 2008: a meta-analysis of publicly available surveys.

Nielsen J, Prudhon C, de Radigues X. The humanitarian response to the crisis in Darfur is considered the largest humanitarian operation in the world. Nielsen et al conducted a meta-analysis of 164 publicly available surveys to analyse trends in malnutrition and mortality in Dafur, Sudan. The results showed that Global Acute Malnutrition and Severe Acute […]

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